
Proud of your Trivia skills? Interested in Conference planning? Avid Soccer fan? Need a break to unwind and relax? CSGS events are open to all FCS Graduate Students, Post-Doctoral Fellows, Faculty and Staff. Check out our upcoming Events calendar and join us!

CSGS Events

Throughout the year, we organize social and academic events that to enhance the learning, social and working environment at the Faculty of Computer Science, and help increase student involvement. We organize these events to ultimately improve student life and make your stay at Dalhousie’s Faculty of Computer Science more lively and rewarding!

Check out on Facebook and Instagram for more news and events!You can find a list of all our past and upcoming events in the CSGS Google Calendar below. You can also add to your calendar the entire CSGS events calendar (by clicking the +Google calendar button) or individual events (by clicking on individual calendar items).
Faculty of Computer Science,
Dalhousie University
6050 University Avenue
PO Box 15000
Halifax, NS B3H 4R2


Office: Mona Campbell Building, Room 4239

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